In-Home Support

Assist Personal Activities

At Cairns Better Care, we respect peoples personal space and promote their independence so we assist only where it is required or requested and provide you with as much or a little support with your daily personal activities according to your preference. You can book in one of our support worker to assist with your daily life tasks at any time such as during the: morning, afternoon, or overnight, this includes weekends as well as public holidays.

You may require assistance with daily personal tasks in different situations, such as if you live alone or if you live in a shared living arrangement, if you’re out in the community, if you’re on a trip. Assistance with daily personal activities by our support worker will provide an opportunity to develop skills to live as autonomously as possible.

Household Tasks

We provide a range of household services, dependent upon your needs, such as; in-home cleaning, meal preparations, linen service, garden maintenance, general household duties and more.

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